

To Hell With Everything

A Yale News reporter cornered Big Bill Tilden last week and asked him for an interview. Mr. Tilden must have been pretty hard up for ideas because he made some amazing statements. "Yale," he declared, "is my favorite college because it is the perfect balance between the 'rah-rah' over-grown prep-school attitude of Princeton and the pseudo, 'to-hell-with-everything' attitude of Harvard." Having gotten off to a rousing start, he reached a dramatic climax with the statement, "Right now I would be willing to bet that Lawrenceville could beat Yale. Harvard, or Princeton in tennis. This can be attributed chiefly to lack of proper coaching and playing conditions." We agree with Helen Jacobs. Vines must be running Tilden awfully ragged.


Our vote for the sportsman of the week goes to Coach Stubbs, the Harvard hockey coach. At a critical moment in Saturday's game, with one Princeton man in the penalty box, and shortly after a questionable goal which he refused to contest, he removed the outstanding Harvard man on the ice to caution him against over-aggressive hip-checking and roughness. --The Princetonian.
