

"Sweetness and Light"

One of the most touching tributes to the high ideals which American women maintain was demonstrated yesterday in New York at a meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Under the leadership of their world president, Mrs. Ella A. Boole, who looked charming in a subdued black silk dress and a black hat with the white badge of the organization affixed to her shoulder, these courageous women planned a new crusade to root out the many evils which have flocked in with the Democrats and the Depression. Chief among these, of course, is the return of the nefarious liquor traffic: but Mrs. Boole and her cohorts are alive to this sinister menace, nor are they daunted by the fact that it has already made such inroads into the morality of the nation. Immediate conditions are, however, pretty appalling and certainly call for heroic measures. A friend of Mrs. Boole's is in fact, ready to testify to the horrendous effect of liquor; it seems that she went to a cocktail party for sixty people at which fifty-eight became "silly drunk"; the only exceptions were Mrs. Boole's friend and her husband, who were rather cut up about the whole business.

The real treat of the meeting came, however, when the world president was able to present to the sisters her old friend and colleague, Billy Sunday, who was in just the mood to give a fine imitation of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lion. Unfortunately, Mr. Sunday spoke so fast that no one was able to hear him, not even these in the first rows who had been laced there because they were hard of hearing. Despite being understandable, Mr. Sunday was anything but inarticulate. Repeal, he says "will fill the streets with staggering, reeling, maudlin, stewing drunkards"; moreover, "you can no more reform a saloon than you can reform a pole-cat so it won't smell."

After completing his little talk Mr. Sunday received a splendid tribute of appreciation from the ladies as they arose and chanted:

"White ribbon, white ribbon, white ribbon!

Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!


Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!"

Mrs. Boole then demanded to know why people should drink horrid tasting alcoholic mixtures when they could have such nice healthful things as tomato juice cocktails; apparently Mrs. Boole is not aware that alcoholics are among the greatest imbibers of tomato juice. However, she went on to say that "now is the time when we who are really dry will demonstrate to the world that the delicious fruit cups we had here today can be prepared without the use of alcoholic liquors."

The meeting was finally ended with an optimistic speech by Mrs. D. Leigh Cclvin, who predicted that national prohibition would be restored by the W.C.T.U. because "we've already done so many strange things." As a last cheering gesture a Mrs. Kaiser who "wore a brown ensemble with a light tan plume in her hat" sang one of her own compositions, the last lines of which carried this inspiring message:

"Then carry on the work,

Standing firm, the law obey

And pray for law enforcement

In the U. S. A." NEMO.
