
Freshman Glovemen Meet M.I.T. in Initial Engagement

Class in Physical Education Supplies Material for Team

HARVARD  M.I.T. Malone  115-pound  Amesbury Kostarelos  125-pound  Kwald Northey  135-pound  Miller Taylor  145-pound  Claffee Brassil  155-pound  Wiris Olney  165-pound  Therson Geer  175-pound  Dzbdolett Tomasello  Heavy  Hollis

The '37 boxing team meets the Tech freshmen tonight at 8 o'clock in the Indoor Athletic Building for the first engagement of the season. Fifty members of the physical education class formed the material from which Coach Lamar finally chose his eight contestants. Geer and Olney were both members of the '37 football team.
