


King Rudolph of Langenstein  Jack Edwards Donald McArthur, (American Actor)  Guy Robertson Con Conley (His Press Agent)  Andrew Tombes Queen Erna of Langenstein  Nancy McCord Countess Putkammer  Betty Starbuck

"All the King's Horses" is a musical comedy laid, not unnaturally, in the little state of Langenstein. The king of this restless country is a man who "on his very bridal night finds more alluring divertissement than his wife," in the words of his councillor; his wife quite wisely lives at the other end of the kingdom. When an American movie star arrives on the scene just as the king is having the fungus on his chin shorn by the court barber, the king discovers the star to be his double, and goes off to Paris, leaving the actor on his throne. The new king popularizes the government by radio broadcasts of his crooning, and incidentally brings the wife back to the fold. I don't remember just how it all comes out; there are the inevitable complications, and even a bedroom scene. Bob Berger's, across the street from the Shubert, carries a complete line of stimulants for those momentarily baffled by the intricacies of this Balkan governmental fol-de-rol.

I fear that there is little to be said for the music in "All the King's Horses." It is very routine stuff; and at that, it is better than the singing. I sat just under the balcony, and a good part of the two lead's songs failed to reach me; the Shubert is not a large theatre, and this should not be. As for the chorus, my companion summed them up with the following: "Oh, they're just like the girls back at Briggs; I feel right at home."

The two comics, Mr. Tombes and his female stooge, Miss Starbuck are fairly good, and buck up the dull spots. The production as a whole is hum-drum; passable, nothing more.
