
Cours Of Historical Interest

Through the medium of historical excursions arranged and managed by the Summer School, students and their friends have an opportunity to see the principal historical and literary sites of eastern Massachusetts with a minimum of effort, and, as they are arranged at cost, at a minimum of expense. During the next week, two of these excursions will take place. On Wednesday July 12 an excursion to Boston is scheduled. As the sites to be visited are close together in the congested down town district, the party goes by the subway, and in a series of short walks sees some of Boston's most interesting features. Arriving on Boston Common the party first visits the State House the front of which was designed by Charles Bullfinch, and erected in 1795. Doric Hall, Memorial Hall, the State Library, (containing the Bradford Manuscript), and the halls of the executive and legislative departments are among the most interesting features of this building. A short time is then taken to enter the Granary Burying Ground and King's Chapel Burying Ground where are buried many of the early leaders of Massachusetts. King's Chapel, the first Episcopal Church in Massachusetts next occupies the attention of the party. The Old South Meeting House now a museum for Revolutionary relics, the Old State House, now the museum of the Bostonian Society; and Fansuil Hall, "the Cradle of Liberty", complete the list of important places that are visited during the afternoon.

On Saturday July 15 occurs the excursion to Lexington and Concord. Travelling in special buses over the Paul Revere route the party has an opportunity to view the natural beauty, and the literary and historical sites of these two towns.

An opportunity is offered to see in detail Lexington Green, where was "fired the shot heard round the world", after which the party goes through the Hancock-Clarke House where Samuel Adams and John Hancock were sleeping when aroused by Paul Revere. This house now contains the valuable collection of the Lexington Historical Society. On the road to Concord there is an opportunity to inspect the Wayside, the home of Hawthorne, and the Orchard House, the home of the Alcotts. After dinner at the Colonial Inn the party proceeds around Concord, visiting the Antiquarian Society, (where is housed the furniture from Emerson's study and many other interesting exhibits) the Concord Battle Ground, and Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. Here are buried Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau and the Alcotts. Through the courtesy of Mrs. Sarah Ripley Ames the party will be shown through the Old Manse, a house not regularly open for visitors. At the beginning of the trip homeward there is an opportunity to see Lake Walden. The tickets for this excursion include transportation dinner and all admissions.

Tickets for the trip Wednesday must be secured by 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. The party limited to 100 members will meet in front of Sever at 1.30 o'clock. For Saturday must be obtained by 4 o'clock Friday. Party limited to so.
