


Annual University tournaments in swimming and boxing were held yesterday at the Indoor Athletic Building. Open to all men in the University, both were featured by even competition and clean sportsmanship.

An event inaugurated just last year, the 150-yard medley swim, brought the entire natorial competition to a breath-taking finale, when B. S. Wood '33, trailing behind E. E. Stowell '34 until the last length, eased himself into the lead to win by a split-second margin. In the 100-yard back stroke event, C. W. Breed '36 set up a new tournament record when he covered the distance in 1 minute, 5 2-5 seconds.

Competition in the 50-yard and 100-yard free style sprints was especially keen. In the former R. D. Fallon '33 clipped his last year's record to 24 2-5 seconds, while in the latter O. C. Woodruff 2GB slashed his own former fast time by one second. Fallon and Woodruff were the stars of last season's meet.

Featuring the boxing tournament was the final round of the last bout, when W. C. Brister 1GB and Samuel Zemurray 1GB, both clever boxers of the unlimited class, let go with everything they could muster. But with relentless punches, Zemurray battered his opponent, who had already had one bout that evening, to gain a well earned decision. The only technical knockout came when E. C. Ihrig 1L, who is also well-known as a wrestler, beat down B. C. McDonald '36.

The swimming summary:


50-yard free style swim--Won by Fallon; second, Woodruff; third, E. P. Parker '34, Time--24 2-5 seconds.

100-yard free style--Won by Woodruff; second, Wood; third, Parker. Time--55 2-5 seconds.

220-yard free style--Won by George Wightman '34; second, C. L. Jack '35; third, S. M. Wyman '35, Time--2 min., 26 2-5 seconds.

100-yard back stroke--Won by Breed; second, Stowell; third, E. G. Helvenston '33. Time--1 min., 5 2-5 sec. (New University tournament record)

100-yard breast stroke--Won by M. V. Leventritt '36; second, J. B. Little '36, third, G. C. Larcom '33. Time--1 min., 15 sec.

Dive--Won by H. S. Bowen '36, 68.27 points; second, B. F. Merriam '36; third, H. K. Fitts.

150-yard medley swim--Won by Wood; second, Stowell, third, Fallon. Time--1 min., 45 2-5 sec.

The boxing summary:

115-pound class: J. J. Madden 1L defeated D. L. Bernstein '34, by decision.

125-pound class: J. L. Kunen '36 defeated L. O. Warren '36, by decision.

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