

"SITTING PRETTY"--Metropolitan

For many years the reviewer has been in hopes that the Metropolitan would sometime provide its public with a fairly presentable stage show. Those who have given up hope will not be disappointed this week. In regard to its movies, the Met has been somewhat more fortunate than with its vaudeville, for the very good reason that there are more motion pictures than stage shows from which to pick. The laws of probability thus render it inevitable that a mediocre movie occasionally emerges. "Sitting Pretty" is the offering this week; it embowers that prince among men, Jack Oakie.

The leading male portrays a sap. Mr. Jack Oakie enacts this part with a naturalness that is commendable. The other roles shatter no illusions, with the exception of that charmingly and competently portrayed by Miss Ginger Rogers. It is true that Gregory Ratoff acts as though he were "casting artificial pearls before genuine swine," but then, as the producer in the plot, he is sitting pretty.
