

Music Students, Will Practice Choral Conducting Under Supervision of Mr. Woodworth

To provide practice in choral conducting for members of the course, "Singing in Schools and Communities" given by Dr. George W. Woodworth, instructor in Music, a chorus of men and women will be organized to meet every Wednesday evening, it was announced by Professor Henry W. Holmes, dean of the Graduate School of Education. Although open primarily to students in the School of Education, other members of the University and capable persons not connected with the University may apply to sing in the chorus.

Mr. Woodworth and students in his course will direct the chorus, and the first meeting will be held Wednesday. October 4 at 7.30 o'clock in Lawrence Hall, room 20. Voice trials will not be required for membership.

The object of the organization of the chorus is to offer its members study and enjoyment of the best choral music as well as to provide an opportunity for practice in choral directing. So far as is known, no other University has organized a chorus of this type, and its purpose makes it unique in choral teaching.
