
Collections and Critiques

Modernism Predominates Art Works of Contemporary Artists

Modernism strongly predominates the exhibition of art, which was recently opened in the small Common Room of Dunster House. Of the six paintings shown all are by contemporary artists, with the exception of Pascin, who died in 1930.

By far the most striking picture of the show is "Le Chapeau a la Rose" by Jules Pascin. With its pale green background, its delicate brown and rose colors, set against the oak panels of the common room, one cannot help but wish it could be permanently placed there.

Matisse's charm lies chiefly in the skill with which he achieves the freshness of a sketch in his finished paintings. This fact is clearly brought home to the spectator as he looks at the "Tate de Femme" hung over the charcoal drawing of "La Vase de Chine" in this exhibit.

Two vivid small canvasses by Lureat and Gaston-Louis Roux, done in a rather abstract and cubistic style are good examples of this branch of modern art. Watercolors by E. F. Noyes '32 and Professor Pope of the Fine Arts department are of particular importance in this exhibit. Etchings, lithographs, and engravings by Rembrandt. Van Dyck, Nanteull, Daumior, and J. S. Plaut '33 among others, are also exhibited.

The show on a whole is excellent, and much credit is due the three members of the House who arranged the exhibit. It is regrettable though, that the work of the students should have been included. Surely there is enough material to have given a show composed solely of work done by members of the House in addition to this exhibit of art belonging to the students.
