

The College Mawrtyrs

Our crusading editorial on campus dress seems to have been perused and appreciated far more thoroughly by the outside world than by the under-graduates and this sad fact brings a furtive tear to the editorial eye. It is a great commentary on the stability and solidity of Bryn Mawr undergraduates that an editorial intended to bump the student body gently succeeded only in rocking America to its very foundations. Of course, we feel duly complimented by the uproar we caused in the papers and over the radio, but we are a little abashed to find that the campus looked as charmingly careless on Monday as usual. We launched forth on our subject at great length in what one noble journal described as "the most vitriolic indictment ever hurled at any student body" and no one paid any attention to us except the International and Associated Press Associations. We created a really gigantic disturbance over the unkempt and disarrayed student, and after all the smoke and flame cleared away, there stood the same student, looking, if anything, a little more the worse for wear than usual. Students have a disturbing way of accepting editorials as surly Monday morning expressions of Saturday night gaiety, of reading them and of going on their way unmoved. If only they could see into the hearts of the editors they should see there the genuine desire to uplift youth and help it traverse as painlessly as possible, the rocky path of adolescence. The editors plead and beg on bended knee for a little more seemliness in campus dress, and the campus goes on oblivious to all criticism, leaving them to listen to the hollow trumpeting of the nation's press. After all, the News belongs to the student body and they should, by rights, pay some attention to it. We do not write our editorials with an eye to how they will look on the front pages of the world's newspapers; the editorials are written by the students about the students, for the students, and they do not take as their subjects idle fancies of befuddled brains. We have a great and flaming purpose in this column, and we should be too, too pleased if the students would pay a little attention to us. --Bryn Mawr College News.
