
Recipients of Detur Awards

Class of 1932 Moses AbramovitzWalton: Compleat Angler John Barton Appelbaum  Helboin: Dance of Death Garrett Birkhoff  Translation by Coleridge of the 1st part of Schiller's Wallenstein Harold Leslie Biabee  Vitno Caesarum Jacob Canter  Petrarea Rime Frank Gilchrist  Goldsmith: Vicar of Wakefield Henry Adams Morss  James: Charles W. Eliot David Henry Popper  James: Charles W. Eliot James Wallerstein  Gaskell: Cranford Henry Babcock Veatch  Bridges: Testament of Beauty James Wallerstein  Gilbert: The Savey Operas William Barry Wood  Masefield's Poems Paul Maurice Zoll  Sterne: Tristram Shandy Class of 1933 Molvin Leon Anshon  Rowley's Poems Morton Clark Bradley  Soldlitz: History of Japanese Color Prints George Frank Emerson  Butron's Anatomy of Melancholy Henry Greenberg  Whitman: Leaves of Grass Harlan Michael Levin  Van Doren: Anthology of World Poetry Arnold George Malkan  Walton: Compleat Angler Isadore Paisnor  James: Charles W. Eliot Robert Chester Smith  Whistler's Works Francis Van Vanice  James: Charles W. Eliot Class of 1934 Henry Aranow  Education of Henry Adams Milton Bornstein  Combe: Tours of Dr. Syntax Harold Simson Cone  Morison: Development of Harvard University Robert Calhoun Creel  Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci William Frederick Ebling  Sheridan: The Critic Edward Settle Godfrey  Morison: Development of Harvard University Abraham Lincoln Gordon  Life of Benvenuto Cellini Clement Lowell Harriss  Carroll: Alice in Wonderland Isadore Herman  Bunyan: Pilgrim's Progress Robert Kaplan  Goldsmith: Vicar of Wakefield William Wallace Kirkpatrick  Byron's Poems Paul Lachlan MacKendrick  Pericles and Aspasia Joseph Neyer  Swift: Tale of a Tub Philander Silas Ratzkoff  Scott: Redgauntlet Johnathan Barlow Richards  Carlyle: Miscellanies John Thomas Sapienza  Robinson's Poems Richard Bulger Schlatter  Hallam: History of England and the Middle Ages Edgar Lawrence Smith  James: Charles W. Eliot John William Walsh  Carvantes: Don Quixote Class of 1935 Caesari Lombardo Barber  History of Wars of Charles XII Charles Edwin Carr  Urry's Chaucer Philippe Dur  Defee: Robinson Crusoe Maurice Franks  Frost's Poems George Lee Haskins  Everybody's Pepys John Joseph Hession  Lowes: Road to Xanadu Robert Kramer  Morison: Development of Harvard University Donald Vincent McGranahan  Oxford Book of English Verse Thomas Burton O'Connor  Thomson's Poems Leonard Raum  Chesterfield's Letters to his Son Herbert Ellis Robbins  Everybody's Boswell Edwin Marion Snell  Johnson's Lives of the Poets Robert Wetmore Stoughton  Shelley's Poems Arthur Wingate Todd  Lemaitre: On the Margins of Old Books
