

Columbia to Visit Harvard Diamond in May--Yale Games Scheduled for June 21, 22

The Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports at Harvard University approved yesterday the following University baseball and basketball schedules.

The baseball program:

April 5, at University of Maryland; April 6, at Navy; April 7, at Georgetown; April 8, at University of Pennsylvania; April 9, at Army; April 13, at Columbia; April 20, University of Maine; April 23, Syracuse; April 27, Colby; April 30, Penn State; May 7, University of Pennsylvania; May 12, Georgetown; May 14, Princeton; May 18, Bates; May 21, Holy Cross at Worcester; May 26, Brown; May 28, Columbia at Cambridge; May 30, Brown at Providence; June 1, Rhode Island State; June 4, Holy Cross; June 8, Alumni (tentative); June 11, Tufts at Medford; June 15, Dartmouth; June 18, open; June 21, Yale at New Haven; June 22, Yale; June 25 or 28, Yale at Cambridge, if a third game is necessary.

The basketball schedule; December 12, Tufts; December 17, Dartmouth; December 21, Columbia; January 12, Boston University; January 15, M. I. T.; January 20, Holy Cross; February 13, Lehigh (tentative); February 16, Northeastern; February 19, open; February 20, at Navy; February 22, at Haverford; February 24, Brown at Providence; February 29, Pittsburgh; March 4, Williams; March 12, Yale at New Haven.

The freshman swimming schedule:


January 13, M. I. T.; 16, Dean Academy; 20, Brown; February 13, Andover; 20, Worcester Academy at Worcester; 27, Dartmouth at Hanover; March 5, Exeter; March 9, Yale
