
The Student Vagabond

The Vagabond has been sorely buffeted by the boisterous winds of the past two days, and the slanting rain which somehow seems to penetrate his every garment has caused him to reflect sadly that even the erudite and philosophically-minded race of Vagabonds are susceptible to the same bodily ills as their more mundane brethren. And you can take the Vagabond's word for it; there are better heated apartments in Cambridge than the draughty towers of Memorial Hall. Though true to his ancient abode, at times he things with envy in his heart of the steam heated warmth of the new Houses. But then, what is corporeal comfort, compared with intellectual solitude in the high places?

In this gray and wet week, the Vagabond has, however, found an item of peculiar cheer. He has never known which of the nine Muses that of Music is (some day he means to learn the names of all of them), but today he is making a short hegira to the Music Building at 10 o'clock to hear Mozart's Concerto in D minor. The score is written for two pianos and is one of the best known and most interesting of the composer's works, and the Vagabond knows that he will hear it ably rendered by Mr. Frank Ramseyer and Professor Ballantine.


9 o'clock

"Walters de la Mare", Professor Richards, Sever 36.


10 o'clock

"Longfellow", Professor Murdock, Harvard 2.

"Revolution of 1848 in Germany", Professor Fay, Germanic Museum.

11 o'clock

"The Greek Diana". Professor Murray, Harvard 2.

"Shakespeare as a Poet", Professor Elton, Sever 11.

"Phases of American Social Reform", Professor Schlesinger, Harvard 1.
