

The proposal of the Harvard Club of Boston to extend its membership privileges to Seniors, if adopted, should do much toward strengthening the all too inadequate ties between graduates and undergraduates. The recommendation comes from the President and Board of Governors in the belief that there is much to be gained by Seniors in their contact with older classmen in whose enterprises and professions they will to a large extent be participants.

The active affiliation with the Harvard Club of men actively connected with college activities will bear fruition in pleasant association with fellow graduates and a continued relationship with the University. From the standpoint of the organization, the increased membership drawn from the undergraduate field will not only provide a more vital spark in promoting the aims of the Club among future alumni, but through the increased dues will materially accelerate the organization's policy of expansion and the full capitalization of its unimproved property on New bury Street.

Membership in this organization is now considerably below its possible quota, due in large measure to the tendency among graduates to lose touch with their college upon entering the business or professional world. Presumably the average undergraduate leaves Harvard with the idea of maintaining a contact of some sort with the University. For the fulfillment of this desire, the various Harvard clubs from a very practical medium, but lose much of their effectiveness in postponing membership eligibility until the severance of all active connection with the college.

If negotiations preliminary to membership can be concluded in the Senior year when the student is still in immediate contact with the college, there is every reason to believe that not only will the Harvard Club membership be increased, but that a more genuine bond of attachment between graduate and college will be facilitated. Because of the extreme ease with which alumni can lose all contact with their college once relations are broken a graduate organization must depend for its complete success upon the maintenance and not the attempted resumption of such relations.


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