

Tonight at 7:30 o'clock the Freshman class will hear the leaders of undergraduate activities. There was a time, so one is lead to believe by the oldest residents of Cambridge, when there actually were such people who guided the destinies of bewildered Freshmen. Today it is obvious that they are traditions of the past and that the Freshman who comes to college with the feeling that he can revive a tradition long dead, and buried is due for a shock sometime in his four years at Harvard.

The hunter for titles and "position" can still be found, but he is rapidly becoming obsolete. No longer does the football captain pace the Yard with an "H" emblazoned on his chest, giving advice and controlling the destinies of thousands of satellites. Nor does the presidency of some undergraduate activity carry with it anything more than prominence in a specialized field.

For the man starting in on four years of college life there is a widely varied field of activity open to him. As long as he pursues a sincere desire to work in some special activity he is justified. If he feels that he is gaining some special prestige aside from recognition of ability in his field of activity, he will derive an added benefit which few expect.
