

8:45 o'clock. The Senior Class will assemble in front of Holworthy and march to Appleton Chapel, where the address to Seniors will be delivered by Professor Chester Noyes Greenough.

10:15 o'clock. Sanders Theatre will be open to ticket holders.

10:45 o'clock. The Senior Class will assemble in front of Holworthy and march to Sanders Theatre.

10:55 o'clock. Sanders Theatre will be closed to all but Seniors.

2.00 o'clock. Yard will be cleared and tickets will be required of all persons found in the Yard, and those who enter there-after.


2 o'clock to 11 o'clock. Music in the Yard.

3 15 o'clock. Seniors assemble in front of Holworthy.

3 30 o'clock. Seats in Stadium will be open to ticket holders.

3:30 o'clock. Graduates, the three lower classes, and the Glee Club assemble in the Yard.

3:45 o'clock. Graduates, the three low or classes, and the Glee Club march to the Stadium Seniors, led by class of ficers march around the Yard, cheering the buildings and the Tree.

4:00 o'clock. Seniors march to Stadium.

7 o'clock to 11 o'clock. Illumination in the Yard.

8 o'clock to 11 o'clock. Dancing in Memorial Hall.

9:00 o'clock. The Glee Club will sing on the steps of Widener Library.

All who wish to enter the Yard after 2 o'clock must be provided with a Yard ticket. A Yard ticket will admit to the Yard only. Memorial tickets will admit to Memorial Hall in the evening, but not to the Yard. After 9 o'clock no Yard tickets will be given out to people leaving the Yard. Each person leaving the Yard after 9 o'clock will be allowed to purchase one return ticket at 25 cents at EXIT 2 ONLY After 9 o'clock arrangements will be made for persons leaving the Yard by exit 7 for Memorial Hall whereby they may receive special return Yard tickets.

The entrance to Memorial Hall will be at the south door the EXIT at the north door.

Phillips Brooks House and Lehman Hall and the east entry of Grays Hall have been reserved for the ladies.

It will be of great assistance to the Committee, if the above arrangements are strictly adhered to.

Ticket holders are reminded of the fact that they have pledged themselves not to distribute Class Day tickets to anyone except their friends.
