

To Arrange for Speakers and Act in Advisory Role--Lynd Undergraduate Secretary

With the announcement of the resignation of Davidson Sommers '26 and W. S. Stone '26 from the positions of Graduate Secretaries of the Governing Board of the Union, made last night the Harvard Union faces a readjustment as radical as any made in recent years. The appointment of J. A. Lynd '32 to take over their duties except for the arrangements for speakers which will be in the hands of D. T. W. McCord '21, the Harvard Union makes its first step in the readjustment which will be necessary to meet the conditions of the new House Plan.

This change from the policy of having two Graduate Secretaries to having one Undergraduate Secretary with a graduate in an advisory position on the Governing Board was precipiated by the resignations of Stone and Sommers. Most of the work which these two men did formerly will be handled by Lynd who will live in the Union and maintain an active connection with all of its activities. He will be in charge of all the dinners, football rallies, class smokers, and other functions except for the arrangement of the speakers program.

This duty will be taken over by McCord who has been actively connected with the University since his graduation in the capacity of Secretary to the Harvard Fund. The policy of having one prominent speaker approximately every month will be continued next year.

Lynd was given preference over graduate applicants for the position due to the fact that the Governing Board realizing that the Union would face a difficult period of readjustment when the House Plan goes into effect, desired a secretary who had been active for a number of year.
