

Morison, Brophy, Vogel, Mackinna are Junior Four Named--New For of Voting Will be Used

The announcement of four nominee for the vice-presidency of the Harvard Union to succeed L. T. Grimm '29, present holder of the position, w made yesterday by W. S. Stone '26. to Graduate Manager of the Union. F. Brophy '30, R. H. Mackinnon R. S. Morison '30, and W. D. Vogel are the candidates for the office.

Within the next four days ball, will be mailed to all the active members, about 2300 in all, and the closing date for the receipt of the votes be June 5. On the cards each vote will designate his first and secc choices of the four named.

Nominations were made both by Governing Board and by petitions 25 members. Morison, who is now to Editoral Chairman of the CRIMSON, a Vogel, who has been prominent in College affairs, serving as chairman of Junior From Committee, were be nominated by the Board. Mackinn and Brophy were nominated by the latter method.

It has not yet been announced a the votes will be counted. The purpose of the system of ballotting who is being used is to prevent the off from going to a candidate who recent a small minority of the votes cast.
