

Prominent Harvard Men on Faculty and Corporation to Attend--Proceedings Continue for Three Day Session

Thirty members of the Harvard Club of Boston have arranged to be present at the Annual Meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs of the country which begins in Cincinnati this morning and will continue until Saturday of this week. President A. Lawrence Lowell, Mr. Allston Burr '89, president of the Harvard Alumni Association, and Mr. Henry M. Williams '85, president of the Associated Harvard Clubs, are among those members who have gone from Boston.

The Dean of the Harvard Engineering School, H. J. Hughes '94, and the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, G. H. Chase '96, Professors J. L. Coolidge '95, and C. N. Greenough '98, Philip P. Chase '99, Dean of the Summer School, and Guy Holliday '89, Secretary of the Law School, are among those members going from the University. Charles Pelham Curtis, Jr., '14, member of the Harvard Corporation, Eliot Wadsworth '98, President of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College, and Arthur L. Endicott '94, Comptroller of the University, will also be among those Boston members in attendance. William Tudor Gardiner '14, Governor of Maine, and an Alumni Marshal at the Harvard Commencement this year, will also be at Cincinnati. Henry C. Clark 'H, General Secretary of the Harvard Alumni Association and Executive Secretary of the Harvard Endowment Fund, has already left for the gathering.

President Lowell, Dean Greenough, and Professor Coolidge are to discuss the most recent developments in the House Plan before this gathering of Alumni.
