

One can hardly blame the President and Fellows of Harvard College for keeping their little secret about Memorial Hall as long as they did. In fact one can't help liking them for this exhibition of propriety even though the dean's office must have been a little astonished to find a little while ago that Memorial would not be available for holding the divisional examinations next week. Good old New England reserve and modesty which objects to boasting about the most hospitable acts is not to be blamed for reticence in a case like this. Generosity loses half its fine flavor if a vulgar display is made of it as soon as opportunity is given.

To look at the case another way, to get the Harvard angle on the situation, consider what the entertainment of a jolly get together of business men will do for Memorial Hall. Think a moment, after all isn't that just what it needs--more pep! Not much doing in Mem Hall these days, and it has a tendency to get behind the times and collect dust. It needs to hear a little informal singing, not just symphony concerts, but the sort of thing that will want to make those old portraits speak up and call each other by their first names.

Taking all these advantages into account one can easily see why the Corporation hasn't said anything about it since the decision was made last fall to give Memorial to The Rotary Club for two days. They probably knew that some stuffy old dean, not a regular fellow at all, would get up and point out that there were plans for holding divisional there on those days. No, its no use taking unnecessary risks when you've got a real big idea.
