

Two 150-pound Crews and Class Crew Row Today Against Blue Rival

Three Harvard Crews meet Yale this afternoon over the Henley and the mile and three quarters courses. The University 150-pound crew and the 1932 lightweights are scheduled to race at 5.30 and 4.30 o'clock respectively over the shorter distance, while the Blue and Crimson Sophomore class crews meet at 5 o'clock to row the full Basin distance.

Coach Sullivan's men, with a three and half length victory over Tech a week ago Wednesday to their credit, are favored to carry off the honors in the University lightweight event.

The two Sophomore class crews have not as yet matched strokes with any outside crews, but have won the right to race today by defeating the other class eights of their respective colleges.

The seatings of the crews will be as follows:

Harvard 150-pound University--Stroke, Donough Prince '31; 7, H.N. Roberts '30; 6, F.E. Fransworth '29; 5, M.B. McKusick '29; 4, W.W. Ames '31; 3, Harper Woodward '31; 2, T.N. Perkins Jr. '31; bow, D.S. Staples '30; cox, Richard Kimball '31.


Harvard Class crew--Stroke, R.W. Pearson '31; 7, E.L. Millard '31; 6, J.W. Ballowell '31; 5, G.L. Lewis '30; 4, Lawrence Grinnell '31; 3, Amor Hollingsworth Jr. '31; 2, R.R. Stebbins '31; bow, R.L. Vaughn '31; cox, F.S. Holmes '31.

Harvard Freshman 150-pound crew--Stroke, Beekmen Pool '32; 7, R.F. Perry '32; 6, Robert Livermore '32; 3, H.M. Hale '32; 4, E.A. Martin '32; 3, R.B. Montgomery '32; 2, W.P. Baileyy bow, Alexander Lincoln '32; cox, L.K. Becker.
