
Irresistable Crimson Onslaught Downs Fighting Jesters 23 to 2--Crew Race, Detained, is Rowed by Moonlight

Before a crowd which thronged around the second team diamond and cheered until it could no more the bruised and bespattered, but doughty CRIMSON nine fought a heroic uphill fight to down their traditional Lampoon rivals by the conventional score of 23 to 2 in one of the most exciting and rugged battles which Soldiers Field has ever witnessed in all its decades of existence.

The Lampooners tried hard to halt the tremendous onslaught of terrific clouting which the team from 14 Plympton Street uncorked, but even the old, but able Robert Leader "Lefty" Lampoon was unable to stop the barrage of base hits which rained down from the bats of the CRIMSON cohorts.

Early in the first part of the first inning in which the CRIMSON nine did some tremendous scoring the Lampooners already resorted to ungentlemanly tactics, attempting to prevent several CRIMSON men from reaching the initial sack.

The scheduled regatta in the Gloncester dories which was to have been held before the game was postponed until a late hour in the evening because the Metropolitan police thought it would be unwise for 16 Lampoon editors to go down to a watery grave. The race was finally run off at midnight and the Lampooners under the influence of the splendid half-moon grew too romantic and swam in the wrong direction. The reporters who lined the banks proclaimed the CRIMSON winner by half a nose for the five mile course.

The summary of the game:


Score by innings:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  R  H  E CRIMSON  23  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  23  1  0 Lampoon  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  15

Batteries--CRIMSON: Barues and Underhill: Lampoon--Lampoon, R. L., A. R. Blackburn and R. F. W. Smith.

Sweezy batted for Barrett in the 13th and was grazed by a batted ball.
