

The announcement of the gift of $75,000 to provide a permanent fund to bring young German students to Harvard to continue study started in Germany should be received with as much enthusiasm by those interested in promoting international accord as it is by Harvard. The value of such an endowment for the college is well known and the presence of foreign students has long been recognized as one of the most broadening influences which can be brought to bear on men in their undergraduate years. There are already a number of endowments for Englishmen, notably the Common-wealth Scholarships, and the lead taken by the Holtzer Fellowship Fund will undoubtedly grow until the continental countries are as well represented.

In its larger implications this movement is of the greatest importance. One foreign scholarship which brings a specially qualified student to this country to study can accomplish more than any number of meetings of peace societies in which outlawry of war is discussed. It is to be hoped that with the increasing amount of attention that is being given to international relations there will be a greater number of people with sufficient foresight to continue this work which the late Mr. Holtzer has so admirably assisted.
