

Garrison Shows Good Form in Putnam's Position--Sextet Has Short Contest With Freshmen

As the Crimson skaters were going through a brisk practice session yesterday, their last before the second Yale game tomorrow evening, it was definitely learned that E. T. Putnam Jr. '30, regular center, will not even accompany the team to New Haven.

Putnam has been starring consistently on the Harvard attack throughout the season, and was in the lineup when the sextet faced Yale in the series' opening encounter last Saturday. A few minutes after the starting whistle blew, however, a hard Yale check sent him crashing into the boards. He sustained a bad back injury which, it was confidently hoped, would improve enough to permit him to play tomorrow; but his recovery has been slow, and he will not see action in this game at least.

J. B. Garrison '31 took Putnam's place yesterday and made an encouraging showing. He has been substituting for the injured regular in almost every game this winter and has turned in some fine permormances. His clever stickwork, if he is up to form against Yale will materially strengthen the Crimson offense.

Yesterday's session was brief but fast. After some practice at shooting goals and a few minutes of line-passing, the University skaters engaged the Freshmen in a 15-minute scrimmage.

There will be no practice this afternoon. Thirteen players will leave for New Haven tomorrow at 1.05 o'clock.
