

Captain Filoon to Take Over Coaching Duties--Belmont Springs Club Gives Playing Privileges

Shortly before the spring recess, the University golf season will open officially with a meeting of all candidates for the team, it was announced yesterday by J. W. Filoon '29, Harvard captain.

Immediately after the vacation, active practice will start at the Belmont Springs course, where 24 playing privileges are provided by the H. A. A. for members of the squad before it is cut. The eight men remaining after the cut will be given regular memberships at the Club.

This year the Sophomore class, with Phillips Finlay '31, E. B. Murphy '31, W. P. Arnold '31, and J. B. Baldwin '31, furnishes the most promising candidates for the team. Others who should do well besides Filoon and O. L. Winston '30, returning letter men, are S. R. Johnson '29, D. M. Proudfoot '29, and R. B. Covel '29.

Francis Ouimet, who was to have coached the Harvard team this year, will probably be unable to do so because of an appendicitis operation which may necessitate his giving up golf altogether for more than a year. The team will in all probability be again under the direction of the captain alone.

The schedule for the season follows: May 4  Holy Cross May 10  Pennsylvania May 11  Georgetown May 11  Princeton May 18  Dartmouth May 24  Brown May 25  Williams May 30  Yale
