
The Crimson Playgoer

Her Red Hot Dancing Pleases Those Who Know -- "Geraidine" Registers With Some and Not With Others

The chief attraction of this week's offering at the Keith Memorial Theatre is none other than the celebrated and vibrating purveyor of red and white heat, Gilda Gray. And for those who like their entertainment steaming Gilda is sure to satisfy. Among other things she gives an oriental dance which is very pleasing to the eye, and she is backed by a fine chorus.

As for the rest of the stage show, it is up to the regular high standard of the Keith offerings. The three Lordans tumble about in a most convincing manner, assisted by a spring floor, and there are the usual singing, playing, and comedy acts.

The motion picture, "Geraldine" is an attempt to render a comedy of Booth Tarkington's. Whether it is successful or not depends largely upon the individual spectator; there were certainly some present who liked it. At any rate Eddie Quillan does some comedy stunts which are almost sure to amuse.
