

Each successive year the demands of the tired business man have brought the attire of the chorus girl nearer the dead line, but now with the revival of "The Black Crook" by Christopher Morely the bald headed row is at last given an opportunity to sit back and catch its breath. Absolute nudity is the limit of revelation, and the modern developments were approaching it with a dangerous speed. The day is saved, however, by Mr. Morley. The tide has been turned before it was too late.

His revival at the old Lyric theatre in Hoboken is the first musical play that has appeared in recent times in which the chorus was not clad as if about to step into the shower. It is an actual although astounding fact that tights are being worn in this production, and judging from the box office receipts, this unusual procedure is being received with enthusiasm. Clothed figures dancing on the stage appear so grotesque, so hyper-sophisticated that the novelty of the sight has won the patronage of the entire smart set. It is but a matter of time until Ziegfield will be glorifying the American girl as she has never been glorified before; that is, completely dressed.

The exposure of the chorus girl as one of the more exciting attractions of the present musical comedy must give way to the demands of modernity. The admirers of beauty unadorned may lament, but if the virtue of curiosity was to be retained in the human male, something had to be done. Tights and all, "The Black Crook" is dancing once more into public favor, and already the Flora Dora sextet is brushing the moth balls out of those glorious skirts that swept them into the laps of their millionaires.
