

Superiority in Foils and Sabre Gives Lions Victory--Crimson Scores in Epee

A strong Columbia contingent defeated the University fencing team, by a score of 9 to 8, last Saturday in Harvard's first match of the season.

The Lions started off at a fast clip in the foils, Captain Tompkins of Columbia winning all of his three bouts. The University team, however, managed to win two of the last three bouts making the final count 5-4. Columbia won easily in the sabre event with a score of 3-1, R. W. Ehrich '30 saving the team from a white wash.

With the count 8-5 Harvard came back to win 3 out of four in the epee. S. C. Smith '31 defeated Tompkins in the first epee contest. The chance of winning the match became hopeless however, when Sanville of Columbia beat H. B. Wesselman '31 in the second bout. Harvard won the two remaining bouts though they had no bearing on the final result.

Foils: Tompkins (Columbia) defeated D. I. Modell '30, 5-2, C. B. Hollister '29, 5-4, and M. U. Coplan '29, 5-4. Roth (Columbia) defeated C. B. Hollister '29, 5-4, and M. U. Coplan '29, 5-4. D. I. Modell '30 defeated Roth (Columbia), 5-3, and Alesandran (Columbia), 5-4. J. S. Oettenger '30 defeated Gulbransen (Columbia), 5-0.

Sabre:Gulbransen (C) defeated G. H. Umbsen '29, 5-3. Roth (Columbia) defeated G. H. Umbsen '29, 5-4, and L. C. Winter '31, 5-2. R. W. Ehrich '30 defeated Gulbransen (Columbia) 5-1.


Epee: S. C. Smith '31 defeated Tompkins (Columbia) and Sanville (Columbia). H. B. Wesselman '31 defeated Marson (Columbia). Sanville (Columbia) defeated H. B. Wesselman '31.
