
The Student Vagabond

Professor Copeland will give what may be his last classroom reading today at 10 o'clock in Boylston 22. Those who do not what to wait until Copey's Christmas reading at the Union on December 17, may join the Freshmen in Mr. Dewey's English A section today, at the time and place specified above, and hear one of the reasons parents send their sons to Harvard.


9 o'clock

"Elegies", Professor Rollins, Emerson A.

10 o'clock


"18th Century Brazil", Professor Haring, Harvard 3.

"Rise of Christianity", Professor Perry, Emerson D.

11 o'clock

"Praxiteles", Professor Chase, Now Fogg Large Lecture Room.

"Unland's Poems", Professor Silz, Harvard 1.

12 o'clock

"However We Measure Heat", Professor Black, Jerfferson 1.


9 o'clock

"Balance of Power", Professor Holcombe, Now Lecture Hall.

10 o'clock

"Egoism", Professor Perry, Emerson A.

"Cooper's Life", Mr. Harvey, Harvard 2.
