

International Council Announces Plans After Meeting Yesterday--P. B. H. Offers Use of Shephard Room

At a meeting held yesterday afternoon in Phillips Brooks House the executive committee of the International Council announced plans for the coming year which provide for several innovations in policy.

The International Council, founded in 1927, as a subsidiary of the Foreign Students Committee of the Phillips Brooks House Association, is primarily interested in helping the foreign students in becoming accustomed to the social life at Harvard: Discussion groups and entertainments have been arranged in former years for the purpose of offering foreign students opportunities for social contact.

Following a decision of the Phillips Brooks House Cabinet to turn over to the Foreign Students Committee the use of the Ralph Hamilton Shepard Memorial Room in the Phillips Brooks House, the executive committee of the Council plans to redecorate the room and establish headquarters there for foreign students. The rearrangement of the room will be made with a view to embodying all the qualities of a club: Periodicals and books from most of the foreign nations will be kept on the shelves, and tea will be served on certain afternoons. While taking this step in realizing a headquarters for the social life of the foreign students and their friends, the committee announced that it is an experiment relative to the possible future establishment of an International House at Harvard.

The committee set Wednesday December 18 at 8 o'clock as the date for the first meeting of the foreign students. This gathering will be of informal nature and it is expected that a distinguished speaker whose name is to be announced at a later date will give a short address during the evening. Refreshments will be served. It was determined that an informal plan such as this will be followed as a change from the more formal round table discussions of last year.
