

E. H. Lane '24 and E. L. Lane '24, Stars of Harvard's 1923-24 Intercollegiate Title Holders Will Fence

Some of the most prominent swordsmen of the country will be seen in a public fencing exhibition in Hemenway Gymnasium on Friday at 8.30 o'clock. This is the first such demonstration at Harvard and is being held at the suggestion of Rene Peroy, the Harvard fencing coach, for the purpose of enlightening the student body on the merits of the sport, and consequently to raise some interest and backing for the coming winter meets.

Before the exhibition, the fencers will dine at the Harvard Club. Among those competing are Rene Peroy, Robert Grasson, Joseph Levis, Lieutenant Stephen Conroy, E. H. Lane '24 and E. L. Lane '24. Coach Peroy was a member of the Olympic fencing team last year, and he has been National Foils Champion for three consecutive years in the past. Robert Grasson, Yale fencing coach, who is reputed to be the best in the country, will meet Peroy in three bouts.

To Open With "Le Grand Salut"

Levis is another of last year's Olympic team, having won the National Foils Championship for 1928-1929. F. S. Righeimer Jr. 1L was captain of the Yale team in 1929, in which year he not only won the National Epee Championship but he also took third place in the National Foils Championship bouts. The Lane brothers are probably the best fencers that Harvard has ever put out.

To start the exhibition, Peroy and Grasson will perform "Le Grand Salut" which they will follow up by a bout with the foils. After this, H. C. Cassidy '31 will meet Lieutenant Stephen Conroy who was captain of the Army team while he was at West Point. With the foils once more, Righeimer meets Levis. The fourth, one of the two sabre bouts of the evening, will be between L. C. Winter '31 and H. B. Veatch '32. The two Lane brothers will next meet with the foils.
