

The plan advanced in the school paper to introduce a combination of the concentration and tutorial systems into the Choate School curriculum, while commendable because of the interest shown in individual scholarship, is a rather far step from the purpose of the secondary school. According to the outline proposed, the Choate News advocates a modification to some degree of the Harvard tutorial system, placing at the disposal of the high-ranking student the advantage of preparing special work aside from classroom courses under supervision of the masters. The project is similar to the Harvard system in that it allows sufficient opportunity for intelligent and informal discussion between teacher and pupil, and makes attendance at conferences as binding as that of the classroom. While not as definitely marked as regards the subjects of concentration, some choice of special study in a selected field would be provided.

Aside from the minor points of added strain on the teaching staff or an unwelcome distinction between the excellent and mediocre student, the plan is mostly unfeasible because it would be in direct contrast to the main purpose of the secondary school. There has been much regret evidenced recently by educators at the disappearance of the liberal college under the increasing pressure for specialization. In laying a firm foundation for later years of university training is found the most imminent and pressing problem with which the preparatory school is faced. The most practical objection to the Choate plan is the doubtful efficacy of specialization in the secondary curriculum.
