

Six Local Concerts to be Given This Fall in Preparation for Journey During Holiday

Plans for the annual Christmas tour of the University Instrumental Clubs were announced last night by Hart Wood '30, manager. Touching Louisville in the south, and Cincinnati in the west, the musicians will visit seven cities during their journey. Over 50 men, who are yet to be selected, will make the trip.

Leaving Boston to December 25, the clubs will make their first public appearance in Pittsburgh the following evening Friday night, December 27, will find the musicians in Cincinnati, whence they will entrain for Louisville and Parlanburg where concerts are to be given on the evenings of December 28 and 29 respectively. Continuing their homeward trip, they will visit Washington December 30, New York January 1, and Philadelphia the next and final day of the journey.

Two special cars will be engaged for the trip, and will serve as overnight headquarters in the railroad yards of each city. May entertainments of every type are being planned for the musicians, whose appearances inmost of the cities have been arranged by the local Harvard Clubs.

The literary this year has been planned so as to avoid the time and expense involved in long hops between towns, such as was experienced in the 1927-1928 trip which included St. Louis, Augusta, Atlanta and Nashville.

Five concerts have been planned in anticipation of the holiday trip; the first will be in conjunction with the Harvard and Yale Glee Clubs on Friday November 22; a performance at the Harvard Club of Hingham, Friday, December 6 will be the second; next will be a joint concert at Roxbury Latin School, Friday, December 13; the fourth will be a joint program of the banjo and mandolin clubs and the Gold Coast Orchestra, with the Williams College Glee Club at Williams town, Saturday, December 14.
