

Coach E. P. Goodnow '17 Picks Plays for Leading Roles in "Success"--Three of Four Presentations Here

Selection of the cast for the Dramatic Club's fall production, A. A. Milne's "Success", and definite announcement of date of performance was made last night by E. P. Goodnow '17, coach of the Club for the initial presentation of this season.

Three performances will be given in Brattle Hall, Cambridge, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, December 11, 12, and 13, and one in some Boston Theatre on Saturday, December 14. Dances will follow the Cambridge performances.

"Success" is the story of a prominent English politician, who, at middle age, finds himself shut in from the pleasures of the world by success. Suddenly he has a chance to recapture his first love, and his struggle to cling to romance, while success closes about him once more, forms the central interest of the play.

The entire cast follows. The Rt. Hon. R. Selby Mannock, M.P.  R. R. Wallstein '32 Lady Jane Mannock  Betty Jean Crocker '30 Arthur Mannock  Brinckerhoff Jackson '32 Freda Mannock  Elizabeth Johnson Digby  W. A. Richardson '32 Edward Eversley  J. F. Joyce '32 Bertie Capp  A. R. Goodman '32 John Reader  R. H. Jones '30 Lord Carchester  H. G. Meyer '30 Sally  Jessica Hill '30
