
Thirty-Six Courses in Harvard College Have More Than 100 Men Enrolled--History 12 and Spanish 1 Barely Make List

Because it is required of all Freshmen except those receiving a grade of 75 or above in the College entrance Examination. English A is the largest course in the University. With 785 students toiling under its demands, it leads by over 80 the next in size, History 1, which has enrolled 703.

There are four courses containing between 500 and 600. Government 1 has 565; French 2, 553; Economics A, 513; and German a, 512. All of these fall under some requirement, either directly or indirectly, two serving to dispose of language demands, while the other two are almost always necessary for those concentrating in the department of History, Government and Economics.

In the same way, courses taken to satisfy requirements of distribution form the greater part of those containing between 200 and 300. Mathematics C has 263; Mathematics A. 261; Biology A, 261; Geology 4, 241; English 41, 209; Philosophy A, 221; Chemistry A, 209; Physics C. 207; Philosophy B, 203; English 72, 201.

Other courses with more than 100 enrolled are the following: History 5a, 196; French 6, 194; Economics 3, 181; Fine Arts 1c, 174; Chemistry 2, 170; English 35a, 168; French 1, 167; Zoology 1, 162; History 2a, 160; Philosophy 1a, 154; Physics B, 150; Physics D, 136; Psychology 1, 130; Military Science 1, 129; English A-3, 129; Chemistry B, 127; Economics 4a, 124; Economics B, 115; Spanish 1, 114; and History 12, 109.
