

At least some of the hundreds of men who stood outside the Union yesterday afternoon while the cold northeaster trickled down their necks, must have felt that some simpler way of applying for football tickets might be devised. And it is not probable that their feelings would be much altered by the confusion and delay of the ticket office, which is hardly preferable to the weather outside. Granted that foresight would have brought them to the ticket office earlier in the week, human nature dictates that the vast majority will always put the matter off until the last minute.

Unfortunately it is impossible to improve the present condition by extending the system used in handling the graduate applications through the mails.

The delay in getting out the University Register and the difficulty in obtaining the addresses of the students in time for the football season makes this impossible.

But it would seem that a perfectly workable system of distributing the application blanks through the registration envelopes could be developed. It is the necessity of filling out the blanks, buying coupon books and paying for the tickets all at the same time that slows up the present method. By distributing the blanks through the envelopes and having them sent to the ticket office by the applicant, the greater part of the evils of the present system would be eliminated.

Other undergraduate activities are represented in the registration envelope and there would seem to be no legitimate reason why the Athletic Association should not take advantage of this means to facilitate its service to a very large proportion of the University.
