
The Student Vagabond

Familiar as the Vagabond is with the general surroundings of the Square, every now and then he finds himself discovering something new. This is just what happened the other afternoon a he was wandering among the pictures in one of the Fogg galleries.

Not once, but twice he came upon paintings which surely were not in Fogg when the Vagabond paid his last visit to the museum in June. Both of these treasures are now the property of the University and both are deserving of every true Vagabond's interest.

The first, "St. Francis Receiving the Stymata" is a Giotto, or a near-Giotto, and its quality has been favorably compared with the one in Paris. It is understood to be the discovery of Count Guoli, the foreign agent of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The second picture is entitled, "Two Boys Play Cards", and, while unsigned, is most certainly a Caravaggio according to the best authorities. The painting is in the artist's best naturalist style and the condition is perfect. "Two Boys Playing Cards" is held by some to be the only authentic Caravaggio in the country.

Lectures for today and tomorrow:



10 o'clock

"Plato's View of Social Justice", Professor R. B. Perry, Emerson D.

"The Search for El Dorado", Professor Haring, Harvard 3.

11 o'clock

"The Homeric Age", Professor Chase, Fogg Museum.

12 o'clock

"Naturalism Examined", Professor Hocking, Emerson D.

"Barometers", Professor Black, Jefferson Physical Laboratory.

"Russia and the Decembrist Movement" Professor Langer, Harvard 6.
