

Among the thousands of spectators downcast and disgruntled at the misfortune of Section 42, or wildly jubilant over the heaven blessed location of Section 33 or 34, some 250 sportswriters and telegraphers will be devoutly grateful for the reconditioned section devoted to the Fourth Estate.

Accommodating 255 scribes and the attendant telegraphers, charters, spotters, announcers, photographers, and radio broadcasters, the new press box presents an example of sales psychology much to the benefit of the University. Those who have scribbled over wet and trickling sheets by light a borrowed match or flickering kerosone torch while the chill gloom of a rare Scotch mist engulfed the receding shadows of the stands have much to be thankful for in the recently completed press box.

Those who have thumbed dead instruments in a vain attempt to get material over the wet wire in time for the football extra or evening edition will bear grateful testimony to the wisdom of the Athletic Association. And those who have hurriedly pushed the last few sentences along a hesitating wire amid sullen curses addressed to weather conditions and press boxes alike, will be the first to realize the paper value and so the money value of conditions conducive to speed and comfort in play by play reporting.

To the western graduate the new press box will assure a better game than ever before, for although many miles removed from the scene of action, the radio booths, and the myriads of wires including the fastest wire in the country will crystallize the picture in greater detail than he has formerly been able to enjoy. In thus providing the Stadium with one of the best press sections in the country the Athletic Association has made an investment upon which large dividends in terms of accurate and timely news and the attendant public interest should be realized.
