

Research Carried on Through Milton Fund Grant--May be Followed by Like Survey of Professions

Between 8,000 and 9,000 answers to the 15,000 questionnaires sent to leaders of the business world by F. W. Taussig '79, Henry Lee Professor of Economics, and C. S. Joslyn '20, instructor in the Department of Economics, have been returned to the authors of the survey, according to information obtained yesterday. In a statement to a CRIMSON reporter, Professor Taussig said, "The amazing response to our appeal for information will enable us to make the most complete study of leadership in the business world that has ever been undertaken."

The information obtained by Professor Taussig and Mr. Joslyn includes statements by business leaders throughout the United States pertaining to the social classes from which the leaders have been recruited, the extent of their training and education, and the circumstances surrounding the early stages in their business careers. The research is made possible through a grant of the Milton Fund, a foundation supporting 37, research projects undertaken by various members of the faculty.

Professor Taussig stressed the point that the facts and statistics, gained through the questionnaires returned, would make possible a more definite conclusion on the problems of social stratification than has ever been made before. The research was started last fall and Professor Taussig estimates that it will be several months before the exact conclusions will be known due to the diverse nature of the replies received from business men. It is possible that tardy returns of questionnaires may swell the total considerably beyond its present sum. Professor Taussig and Mr. Joslyn have been aided in the present survey by an advisory board composed of J. H. Barnes, president of the American Chamber of Commerce, James Bell, president of the Washburn-Crosby Company, W. S. Gifford '05, president of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, and many other well known business leaders.

In case the present undertaking meets with the favorable success that Professor Taussig now believes it will attain, he intends to follow it with a supplementary survey of similar nature for the professions.
