
In the Graduate Schools

Pollock-Choate and Warren Clubs Look Horns Before Eminent Judges

At 8 o'clock this evening in the New Court Room in the West Wing of Langdell Hall will be held the final argument of the Ames Competition. The Pollock-Choate Club, represented by S. W. Livingston 3L and H. F. Blumberg 3L, as the complainant, will oppose the Edward Warren Club, represented by Robert K. McConnaughey 3L and F. W. R. Pride 3L, as the respondent.

The case to be argued is one of corporation law, concerned with a debt incurred in a poker game, and the binding force, if any, of "debts of honor." The judges are to be the Honorable J. W. Kephart, Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, presiding; the Honorable H. T. Kellogg, Judge of the Court of Appeals of New York; and the Honorable O. W. Branch '01, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire.

The judges decide the winners of the case solely on the merit of their argument, based on four points: the structure of the briefs, the value of the cases cited, the oral presentation, and the ability to answer questions propounded by the judges. After the decision has been rendered on the basis outlined above, the judges customarily state what the law is, and what the decision would be were it to be tried in an actual court of justice.
