

French Announces Change in Plans for Freshman Class Election--Pruyn Nominated for Presidency

Coincident with the announcement of the nomination of Frederick Morgan Pruyn '31, of Albany, New York, for President of the Freshman class, comes that of a change in plans for holding the class election, made public today by A. E. French '29, in charge of Freshman affairs.

The elections, on Monday and Tuesday, will be entirely given over to the care of the Freshman Dormitory Committee, appointed early last fall. The members of these committees will be in charge of the voting booths on these two days and will count the votes at the end of this time.

There will be voting booths at the four Freshman dormitories and at Sever Hall. The students of Shepherd Hall will vote in Standish Hall. The members of each dormitory will vote in their own hall only, while all non resident Freshmen will vote in Sever Hall.

It was emphasized that all petitions for nominations must be handed in by tomorrow evening to French at Straus Hall 27.
