

Will Last Six Weeks and Will Include Clerical and Field Work--Plane in Initial Spring Flight Tomorrow

The spring activities of the Flying Club will definitely commence tonight at 7.30 o'clock in Sever 6 with the opening of the competition for membership, it was announced yesterday by W. N. Bump '28, president of the club. Announcement was also made of the new members of the Graduate Committee who will cooperate in lending the organization backing.

Tonight before the meeting of the candidates Bump will briefly outline the history and purpose of the organization. The competitors will be expected to devote two afternoons a week to the competition, one afternoon at the air port to become familiar with the mechanics, construction and operation of the plane; the second afternoon to be devoted to clerical work in Cambridge.

The Club is extending its field of activities in a new direction. It is giving assistance and information to newly formed clubs in other colleges and universities. The clerical work of the club is mainly devoted to gathering statistics and information of past years for the benefit of other growing clubs. The competition will be of six weeks duration, at the end of which time about 15 men will be taken into membership.

The men who have recently entered into membership in the Graduate Committee of the Flying Club are R. P. Baldwin '16, president of the Boston Airport Corporation; L. S. Marks, Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Engineering School; J. H. Rand '08, president of the Remington-Rand Company; Arthur Woods '92, New York architect, and former pilot; and John Lavalle Jr. '18, former pilot.

Yesterday the Travelair Plane was taken from its winter quarters in the Gordon Mackay Laboratory to be finally overhauled and inspected at the airport in preparation for its initial flight of the season tomorrow. The test flight will be conducted by C. A. Snow '26.
