
In the Graduate Schools

Unofficial Report States Forensic Duel is Due Tonight

An addition to the activities of the Law School, reported yesterday but not announced officially, comes in a debate to be held in Langdell Hall at 8 o'clock this evening between representatives from the Harvard and Yale Law Schools.

According to the report the orators of the two Schools will argue the subject: "Resolved, That the federal and state governments control water power." The Harvard team will support the affirmative side of the argument, to be opposed on the negative by the contingent from New Haven.

Vance to Debate With Hausman

In addition, it was also reported, Professor W. R. Vance of the Yale Law School, will enter into debate with E. A. Hausman 3L on a question of compulsory insurance. The subject of this contest of words will be: "Resolved, That compulsory insurance be enacted." Professor Vance will support the proposition and Hausman, a graduate of Princeton, will oppose this stand. Hausman has been called the undefeated intercollegiate debating champion of America.

The men who are scheduled to represent Harvard in tonight's debate are Louis Berkowitz 3L, Michael Blake 3L, and Hausman. The Yale proposition in the main debate will be upheld by Alfred Magil, Herman Patterson, and John Smith.
