

"Only a Football Game"

There is a great deal of deploring and viewing with alarm concerning the decadence of the Yale spirit. Mr. T. A. D. Jones chairman of the Yale Football Committee reproached the undergraduates of Yale for not turning out to one of these rallies on the eve of the late lamented Yale-Harvard game Sport writers commenting on the game agreed that Mr. Jones emitted a mouthful when he said that the old spirit of Eli was not there.

In view of the act that so much has been written concerning the overemphasis of intercollegiate football there are those who might regard this as a healthy sign and a disposition on the part of the Yale graduate to minimize the importance of the game Certainly there was no indication of hysteria on the part of the Yale undergraduate either before or during the late Yale-Harvard game.

The apathy was so evident in the Bowl that Yale's old grads will be insisting that something be done about it. Probably the first step will be on to have the student body psychoanalyzed and the get some morale experts on the job. As one Yale old grad put it. "Why they acted as though it were only a football game."

Come to think of it that was all it was supposed to be in the first place. Those who have been insisting that the ballyhoo and the hysteria in connection with modern intercollegiate football have destroyed all sense of proportion should applaud the attitude of the Yale undergraduate but before and during this game. Certainly the telling was that it was just a football game merely that and nothing more.

The old grads of course will be with Mr. T. A. D. Jones in his indignation over the decline of the old Yale spirit. Yale no longer is Yale they will feel.


But if this calm acceptance of the Yale Harvard football game as a mere football game is a fault some of the blame might be traced to the football committee of which Mr. Jones is chairman and some of the other various committees of old grads. If these committees felt that the falling off of the "Yale spirit" is a real calamity they should have foreseen and forestalled it.

It did not take any expert diagnostician to say that the "old Yale spirit as dead." They should have caught the spirit when it first was taken sick and administered restoratives or something Certainly they were in the strategic position to count the pulse of Yale and they should have been able to tell when it first showed signs of feebleness.

Whatever the reason for the "Decline in the Yale spirit" it might he just as well if the same decline would hit all of the colleges to a reasonable extent. This I suppose would sound sacrilegious to any old grad, but it would forestall the annual hullabaloo concerning overemphasis and the distortion of vales. Yale at the close of this season refrained from distorting a single value or tearing up a single goal post.

(W. O. McGeehan in the New York Herald Tribune.)

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