

President Lowell to Give Baccalaureate Sermon June 19--Spread and Dance Come on June 20

The complete program of events for Class Day Week was announced last night by Madison Sayles '27 Chairman of the Class Day Committee. The annual celebration which includes the Commencement Exercises, the Senior Spread and Dance, the Baccalaureate Sermon by President Lowell, and the Yale baseball game, will continue from June 19 to 24. There will be dancing on two successive evenings June 20 and 21 and the activities will as usual, end with the Phi Beta Kappa oration and poem on June 24.

On Sunday June 19, President Lowell will deliver the Baccalaurate Sermon at 4 o'clock in Appleton Chapel. After the Baccalaureate service, President Lowell will hold a reception at his home, 17 Quincey Street.

The annual Senior Spread and Dance, will this year be held on Monday June 20, and dancing will last from 8 until 2 o'clock. The list of patronesses for the dance will be announced in tomorrow's issue of the CRIMSON.

June 21 is Class Day

The Senior Class Chapel Service, the opening event of Class Day, Tuesday June 21, will be held at 9 o'clock in Appleton Chapel. Two hours later the annual exercises in Sanders Theatre will be initiated by the Class Oration, to be delivered by D. W. Chapman '27.


This is to be followed by the Class Poem by Pierpoint Stackpole '27 and the Class Ode by A. F. Keeley '27. In the afternoon at 3:30 o'clock the class will hold its Tree Exercises in front of Holden Chapel where D. S. Gibbs '27 will give the tree oration.

After these exercises the class will march to the Stadium where the Ivy Oration will be given by G. McN. Gates '27. After the cheering, the Glee Club will render a brief informal program, which is to be followed by the presentation of the class banner to the Freshman Class. The singing of Fair Harvard, and the Confetti Battle will end the afternoon events.

Dancing That Evening

Dancing will be held in the evening from 8 o'clock until 11 in the Gymnasium and Memorial Hall. At 9 o'clock the Glee Club will present its annual Class Day program on the steps of Widener Library.

The next day, Wednesday June 22, will witness the baseball game with Yale which is scheduled for 3 o'clock on Soldiers Field.

The regular Commencement Day exercises will take place Thursday, June 23 at 4.45 o'clock in Sever Quadrangle, or, in case of rain in Sanders Theatre.

The final day of Class Day Week activities is Friday June 24. At 11.30 o'clock in the morning the Phi Beta Kappa Oration and Poem will be given in Sanders Theatre. During this day also will be held the annual Harvard-Yale crew race at New London.
