

Changes the Basketball Schedule by Dropping Columbia Next Year--D. W. La Rue '30 Awarded Numerals

Henry Pennypacker '88 was elected at a meeting of the Committee on the Regulation of Athletics held yesterday afternoon to act as Secretary of the H. A. A. pro tem until next fall, when a Graduate Treasurer will be appointed to succeed Major F. W. Moore '93, who died last week. Mr. Pennypacker is Chairman of the Committee on Admissions and has been Chairman of the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports since 1924, when he was chosen as successor to Dean L. B. R. Briggs '77. In his senior year in college Mr. Pennypacker won his "H" in track and took first place in the shot put at the intercollegiates held that year.

At the meeting yesterday the Committee also made the following resolution:

"The Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports deplores the loss of its Secretary and Graduate Treasurer, Fred Wadsworth Moore '93, manager of the University football team in '91 and '92, for many years a constant and fearless contributor to pioneer athletic policies, a member of the Football Rules Committee for 12 years, and who, for 16 years as Graduate Treasurer of the Athletic Association of his alma mater has rendered conspicuous service to Harvard and to many other colleges. This Committee is deeply appreciative of his loyal service and his honest criticism."

Besides the appointment of Mr. Pennypacker and the resolution on the death of Major Moore the Committee voted to award baseball numerals to D. W. La Rue '30, who pitched in all the preliminary games but did not get in the Yale game. The officials chosen tentatively to officiate in the 1927 football games were also accepted as well as the schedules and changes in schedules proposed for next year for the second hockey team, the Freshman hockey team, and the Freshman basketball team. It was voted besides to drop Columbia from the University basketball schedule and to add the University of Maine.
