

Committee to Make Corrections and Additions--Tickets May Still Be Obtained

The box list for the Senior Spread in Memorial Hall Monday night was announced last night by the Senior Class Day Committee. The boxes and tables which will be occupied by the Seniors and their guests will be placed both on the floor of Memorial Hall and in the delta. Dancing following the Spread will begin at 8 o'clock and last until 2 o'clock.

The box list as announced yesterday is not in its final form and the Committee will hold office hours in Massachusetts 16 during the morning for the rest of this week to make any corrections or additions in the present list. Spread tickets may also still be obtained from the Committee.

The box list is as follows:

Box 1--John Bean, Chairman, Miss Miriam Paine: E. I. Wallach, Miss Elinor Abrahams; M. G. Jasper, Miss Frances Payne: H. A. Felix, Miss Russella Andrews: I. R. Duchin, Miss Jeanette Rosenson.

Box 2--D. J. Joughin, Chairman, Miss Beatrice White; A. H. Bryan, Miss Virginia Reed; E. W. Gross, Miss Natalie Stout.


Box 3--K. A. Kazanjian, Chairman, Miss Anna Paul; H. L. Kozol, Miss Ruth Massell; R. B. Schneider, Miss Lillian Mendelsohn; B. S. Alper, Miss Ruth Altman; E. C. Marget, Miss Salome Marget; N. N. Cohen, Miss Betty Cohen.

Box 4--H. S. Leonard, Chairman, Miss Priscilla Packard; J. R. Richardson, Miss Phyllis Kneeland; W. H. Sears, Jr., Miss Barbara Sears.

Box 5--S. E. Levin, Chairman; Sumner Moskovitz; Leonard Coppleman; A. L. Levine; Aaron Gordon; B. W. Lewis; Kenneth Dorn, Miss Beatrice Bennett; M. H. Silverman; Solomon Andrews.

Box 6--D. R. K. Barnes, Chairman, Miss Barbara Rollins: J. W. Barry, Miss Gladys White; F. J. Otis, Miss Virginia Edwards; F. B. Richards, 2nd, Miss Eugenie Jewell; H. R. Warren, Miss Betty Warren; N. A. Evans, Miss Amoret McDowell.

Box 7--Eugene Bleweiss, Miss Eleana Greenfield; Harold Rosenwald, Miss Thelma Garfield; H. S. Subran, Miss Gertrude Burnett; A. S. Bettigole, Miss Muriel Shullak.

Box 8--M. H. Gurley, Miss Agnes Cunniff; J. L. Fitzpatrick, Miss Alice May Ollendorf; R. F. Murphy, Miss Mary Donovan.

Box 9--M. G. Brown, Chairman, Miss Ruth Marsters; L. B. Burgin, Miss Mildred Moses; Samuel Liner, Miss Eva Rosenberg; L. H. Nason, Miss Jean Altman; I. Ialcoff.

Box 10--F. J. Corliss, Chairman, Miss Winifred Wrenn; T. F. Martin, Miss Elinor Roger; George Bennett, Miss Frances Kelly; Melvin Gerofski, Miss Dorothy Perry.

Box 11--D. N. Klarfeld, Chairman, Miss Pauline Cohen; Herbert Flashman, Miss Ruth Rosenfield; L. P. Feinberg, Miss Pauline Sidel.

Box 12--B. Connors, Chairman, Miss Elizabeth Fraunhoffer; F. E. Harrington, Miss Evelyn Alcox; A. A. Hettwer, Miss Irene Hethues; R. M. Mears, Miss Alice Richards.

Box 13--L. E. Scheffreen, Chairman, Miss Charlotte Sussman; Frederick Solomon, Miss Sylvia Solomon; H. L. Birnbaum, Miss Florence Soloman.

Box 14--C. J. Draper, Chairman, Miss Ruth Chamberlin; J. O. Blckford, Miss Deborah Tappan; H. Wendt, Miss Phyllis Fanning; G. L. Russell, Jr., Miss Olive Johnson; R. J. Dunkle, Jr., Miss Ruth Litchfield; J. B. Durant, Miss Ruth Holmes; Richard Donham, Miss Martha Benedict; J. H. Burrage, Miss Elizabeth Shepard.

Box 15--I. J. Fain, Chairman, Miss Salma Fain; M. I. Hornstein, Miss Irens Miller; Edward Gordon, Miss Phyllis Bartleman.

Box 16--J. S. Malich, Chairman, Miss Agnes Locke; M. W. Hatch, Miss Lula Brown; A. A. Laun, Jr., Miss Sue Burgess; J. D. Leekley, Miss Marjorie Mayer; W. P. Locke, Miss Esther Bohn; A. W. Williams, Miss Esther Bohn; W. V. A. Coombs.

Box 17--H. J. Donahue, Chairman, Miss Constance Garrod; R. A. Emch, Miss Phyllis Murphy; E. Emerson, Miss Ruth Murphy.

Box 18--H. F. Williams, Chairman, Miss Mary Williams; D. C. Dow, Jr., Miss Margaret Dow; D. G. Fisher, Miss Martha Fisher; J. J. Rorimer, Miss Louise Rorimer.

Box 19--E. P. Barry, Chairman, Miss Margaret Murphy; H. F. Sayward, Miss Mildred Fenton; F. W. Currier, Miss Doris Goodwin; Dominick Manoli, Miss Willa Semple; P. N. Roe, Miss Dorothy Meier; E. M. Roe, Miss Laura Templeton; H. Wilkinsen, Miss Isabella Hart! H. H. Watchpocket, Miss Mildred Dolbair; M. W. Stevens, Miss Caroline Shaw.

Box 20--R. B. Schneider, Chairman, Miss Alice Munyon; R. N. Lord, Miss Catherine Swindells; Seeley Thompson, 2nd, Miss Marjorie Moses; S. L. Kelsey, Miss Penelope Ridgeway; E. W. Abend, Miss Laura Emerson; D. J. Graff, Miss Margaret Hach; D. G. Ackerson, Jr., Miss Rhodita Edwards.

Box 21--J. C. Prothero, Chairman, Miss Muriel Fitch; C. E. Brown, Miss Alice Rathbone; W. D. McKerrow, Miss Nancy Fairchild; J. V. McCurdy, Miss Lois O'Donnel; S. B. Sommerville, Miss Glennavee Prothero.

Box 22--J. W. Teele, Miss Mary Teele; Richard Loud, Miss Sylvia Shippan; R. T. Smith, Miss Helen Smith; T. E. Flint, Miss Marion Rogers; R. H. Thomas.

Box 23--K. D. Weed, Chairman, Miss Dorothy Tebbetts; N. H. Barker, Mrs. N. H. Barker; G. W. Bowen, Mrs. G. W. Bowen; F. F. Collier, Jr., Miss Gertrude Bancroft; R. M. Henschen, Miss Margaret Roe; D. A. Holmes, Miss Frances Brown; A. D. MacNutt, Miss Dorothy Warfield; William Sever, Miss Theodoras Smith.

Box 24--R. H. Curtiss, Chairman, Miss Harriet Hayward; H. R. Wood, Miss Jane Richards; Henry Ware, Miss Isabelle Lothrop; W. E. Soule, Miss Elizabeth Pullman; K. B. Harding, Miss Dorothea Cheney; J. W. Hurlbut, Miss Marion DeLay; Howard Slade, 2nd, Miss Anne Tudor.

Box 25--H. H. Moody, Chairman, Miss Faith Haddock; J. R. Spence, Miss Eleanorf Titcomb; J. M. Spence, Miss Katherine Leatherbee; G. R. Hubbard, Miss Gertrude Ayer; H. Musgraves, E. B. Slocum, D. C. Meck, Jr., Miss Lillian O'Leary; W. L. Brewster, Jr.

Box 26--J. D. Hitch, Jr., Chairman, Miss Katherine Dalton; Alexander Donald, Miss Martha Love; L. Y. Ward, Miss Elizabeth Robinson; J. F. W. Whitbeck, Miss Dorothy Blodgett; E. C. Gale, Miss Isabelle Shaw; J. N. Barbee, Miss Mabelle Rantoul.

Box 27--C. A. Brodeur, Chairman, Miss Eleanor Clapp; G. A. Fitts, H. P. Travis, Miss Dorothy Gibbons; C. M. Long, Dana Backus, Miss Hope Bradford; G. R. Payne, Miss Miriam Darling.

Box 28--R. M. Roloson, Jr., Chairman, Miss Winfred Eagleston; H. R. Browning, Miss Maude Adams; O. H. P. Baldwin, Miss Elizabeth Webb.

Box 29--G. F. Wyman, Chairman, Miss Elizabeth Lambert; Joseph Allen, Jr., Miss Dorothea Allen; W. E. Farr, Miss Elizabeth White; W. M. Jewell, Miss Margaret Smith; G. R. Metcalf, Miss Mary Okie; G. D. Reilly, Miss Florence Manning; D. G. Sullivan, Miss Marion Dobbins.

Box 30--Roger Magoun, Chairman, Miss Ethel Wakefield; A. C. Lane, Miss Helen Blair; J. R. Lucas, Miss Marion Babcock; E. T. Wakefield, Miss Louise Tobin; H. I. Williams, Miss Louise Belden.

Box 31--E. B. Ballard, Miss Janet Gilbert; W. E. Wilson, Jr., Miss Ellen Janel Cameron; E. W. Parks, Jr., Miss Audrey Newton; G. H. Huntley, Miss Katherine Bartlett; R. C. Birge, Miss Elizabeth Thomas; G. L. Clarke, Miss Helen Ballard; Randolph Piper, Miss Mary Young; J. R. Paine, Miss Virginia Proctor; Morton Smith, Mrs. M. Smith.

Box 32--M. C. Stevens, Miss Eleanor Frothingham; G. W. Estey, Miss Martha Baker; G. Wright, Miss Elizabeth Wright; R. D. McMullan, Miss Margaret Hastings; T. O. Kingsbury, Miss Elizabeth Kingsbury; R. M. Purinton, Miss Emily Stevens.

Box 33--J. C. Harold, Chairman, Miss Jane Leffingwell; E. D. Haigler, Miss Aleta Fowler; Edward Miller, Jr., Miss Dorothy Bacon; A. T. Child, Jr., Miss Margaret Denny; M. A. Rieffel, Miss Carolyn Low.

Box 35--L. A. Weissberger, Chairman, Miss Augusta Weissberger; A. J. Ross, Miss Eleanor Wolff; R. L. Stroock, Miss Ruth Wyzanski.

Box 37--R. Burns, Chairman, Miss Jane Day; G. R. Bonneau, Miss Ruth Day; C. E. Day, Jr., Miss Eleanor Langenbach.

Box 38--J. P. Hall, Chairman, Miss Barbara Hall; A. E. Currier, Miss Elizabeth Farnham; E. A. Harper, Miss Patricia Tate; J. H. Faull, Miss Anna Faull; R. O. Wooten, Miss Helen Lucas.

Box 40--E. F. McCue, Chairman, Miss Elizabeth Downey; J. M. Graves, Miss Marie Lanfranchi; L. M. Fessenden, Miss Edith Pearson; A. L. Norton, Miss Ruth Madden; C. M. Lindner, Miss Natalie Fessenden; R. V. Pierce, Miss Mary Pierce; J. C. Hinkle, Miss Barbara Whitfield; S. W. Livingstone.

Box 42--A. H. Rice, Chairman, Miss Katherine Abbott; W. K. Rice, Miss Marianne Coleman; C. H. Ely, Miss Mary Noyes; A. F. Lemmon, Miss Dorothea Sibley; W. G. Moody, Miss Rosalind Kelsey; D. H. Bowles.

Box 44--T. S. Berry, Miss Persis Worcester; G. B. Beaman, Jr., Biss Elizabeth Worcester; O. L. West, Miss Marion Meserve; O. L. West, Miss Marion Meserve; T. F. Kelley, Miss Hazel Barker; C. R. Mason, Miss Doris Kaulback; F. C. Chance, Miss Alice Rigby; W. H. Doherty, Miss Harriet Rowen; W. E. Murphy.

Box 46--H. I. Hewitt, Miss Gertrude Spelman; S. N. Churtleff, Miss Anne Williams; G. R. Russell, Miss Katharine Hepburn; R. W. Hurry, Miss Emily Hurry; C. S. M. Grayson, Miss Helen Boyden.

Box 48--B. A. Johnson, Miss Harriet Richardson; J. F. Phillips, Miss Dorothy Thompson; C. O. Tongberg, Miss Marion Beckwith; K. W. Walker, Miss Margaret Norris.

Box 50--R. S. Savoy, Chairman, Miss Ruth Pearson; W. Savage, Miss Elizabeth Donahue; A. W. Wiesman, Miss Louise Lehman; Fred Sears, Miss Madeline Sears; G. Gavan, Miss Katherine Sullivan; J. R. Simpson, Miss Helen Crowley; J. D. Riordan, Miss Katherine Riordan.

Box 52--G. S. Stanton, Miss Julia Anne McMeen; R. B. Breenman, Miss Rosamond Adams; G. L. Perin, Miss Dorothy Perham; T. A. Viehe, Miss Esme Lucas; F. M. Thomas, Miss Polly Kittridge; W. P. Lyford, Miss Alice Mills; R. G. Puffer, Miss Gertrude Puffer; D. F. Harding, Miss Elizabeth Snyder; F. H. Cannon, Miss Josephine Flynn.

Box 54--M. O. Smyth, Chairman, Miss Alice Shubert; D. Garden, Miss Elita Berdoine; H. L. Harvey, Miss Alice Light; F. E. Sears, Jr., Miss Alice Stetson I. H. Light, Miss Mary Smith; A. C. Smith, Miss Jannette Murphy; T. E. Finley, Jr., Miss Dorothy Shinneman; W. D. Morton, Jr., Miss Thelma Smith; A. H. Thiemann.

Box 56--H. R. Young, Chairman, Miss Hannah Wallace; J. H. Goodwin, Jr., Miss Alice Thorpe; D. A. Piguet, Miss Ethel Paterson; J. W. Packard, Miss Frances Bristow; D. W. Robertson, Miss Nancy Goddard.

Box 58--S. E. Gleason, Miss Katherine Smith; D. W. Chapman, Miss Margaret MacGregor; S. L. Eaton, Miss Barbara Sheperd; W. Potter, P. M. Lenhart, H. S. Bokhof. Miss Virginia Hayden; H. A. Secrist. E. D. Pratt.

Box 60--E. D. Cole, Miss Josephine Murphy; E. S. Stimson, Miss Janet Conway; W. McDonald, E. F. Gamache, Miss Mildred Killelea; R. Floyd, Miss Dorothy Fry; C. Frazier, A. H. Miller, Miss Margaret Stranahan.

Table A--D. H. Moyer, S. A. Buckingham.

Table B--F. T. Yates, Miss Charlotte Gray; K. B. Smith.

Table C--R. W. Rounds, Miss Jessie MacNaught; R. J. Walsh, Miss Ruthven Parker.

Table D--Richard Huestis, Miss Vallee Murdock; L. A. Rusin, Miss Vidoria Piekanski
