

Revere Beach has opened, and once more where the white loops of the roller coasters loar and twist against the blue carloads of well be haved citizens scream like wild-cats as they approach the appalling drop. This year, nestled among the milder attractions of hot dog stands and cherry-go-rounds, there is a new side show: for a nominal sum one may throw baseballs at a wooden door surmounting a small sliding board, and if one strikes the bullseye in the center of the door it pops open, a bell rings, a young lady in a bathing suit slides down, makes her low to the audience, and departs. There are four of these doors, each labelled with the name of the damsel it conceals.

Here is the drama of life in a nut, shell for those who are interested in such things. Picture the distress of the young lady who, as she makes her first graceful debut down the sliding board, fails to catch the public fancy, and is compelled to sit ignored and unmolested while the balls strike right and left around help. Picture also the situation of her who attracts the admiration of a star pitcher, and must spend her days and nights in sliding down and climbing up again in answer to his call.

With time the management will doubtless find ways to make the game more exciting. The painful situations suggested above might be remedied by moving the hours secretly from door to door; they might even be replaced occasioually by domestic animals and wild beasts, thus giving all the suspense of the lady or the tiger. As it stands, however, the sport should appeal to all, adding as it does a touch of romance to the great American pastime. Here is amusement for the world-weary.
