

All University Departments Will Have Representatives--Many Trophies to Reward Victors

The intramural track and field meet and Edvin Wide's attempt to lower the world's two-mile mark next Saturday give promise of presenting a spectacle even greater than Nurmi's so-called "race of the century" on the Stadium track two years ago. The University meet should bring into competition more Harvard students than any other single event in the history of the University, while Wide, if he meets satisfactory conditions both in regard to weather and competition, may be expected to negotiate the distance in better than record time.

Handsome Trophies Offered

Considerable effort is being made to attract as many men as possible from all departments of the University to take part in the meet. Large cups, on which the names of the winners will be inscribed, have been donated by alumni and officials of the University. These trophies will be permanent and will be named after men prominent in track annals at Harvard. Besides these rewards, place winners will also receive gold, silver, or bronze medals from the H. A. A.

Races at all the standard distances and all regular field events are listed on the afternoon's program. There will be a managers' relay race, and efforts are also being made to bring representatives of the CRIMSON, Lampoon, and Princetonian into a three-cornered relay race.

Liberal handicaps will be granted on the basis of each entrant's best previous record in the event he chooses. In this way all men competing in the meet will have as nearly as possible the same chance of winning the events they are entered in. All entrants must be filed before tomorrow night.


The H. A. A. is making every possible effort to assemble as excellent a field as possible to push Wide to a record. Ritola was invited to meet Wide, but the noted Finnish star refused to race the Swedish runner at any distance less than three miles. Theobald, a distance man who achieved an excellent reputation in his races for Columbia last year, is another star under consideration. It is reported that Cox, a sophomore at Penn State whose brilliant record during the past few years has gained him a ranking as one of the country's leading runners at distances over one mile, has also been invited. W. L. Tibbetts '26, captain of the 1926 Harvard track team who was the leading two-miler in college ranks last season, is another possible entry.

It is expected that several University track men will be run against Wide, unless a fairly complete field of outsiders goes to the mark. Coach Farrell, however, has not decided who the Crimson entries will be.
