

Veteran Outfit Repels - Invasion of Soldiers Field Today--Barbee and Cutts Hurling Possibilities

HARVARD  B. U. Burns c.f.  3b. Alden Jones r.f.  2b. O'Brien Zarakov 3b.  1b. MacDonald Lord l.f.  r.f. Lawless Tobin 1b.  c.f. George Ullman 2b.  l.f. Kincaide Sullivan s.s.  s.s. Arcin or MacCarthy Chauncey c.  c. Jenkins or Dorfman Barbee or Cutts p.  p. D. Mac Donald

At 3 o'clock this afternoon the Boston University baseball team will invade Soldiers Field to open the season with the Crimson nine. Coach Mitchell will put into the field a team of seasoned veterans, seven of whom were in the lineup which fell before the Terriers by 8 to 6 in the opening clash last year. With the exception of left field, where W. W. Lord '28 takes the place of C. L. Todd '26, captain of last season's outfit, the Crimson aggregation will be identical with the one that defeated Yale and Princeton last spring.

Barbee May Hurl

It is possible that J. N. Barbee '25 who last year held the visitors to seven hits in eight innings, may face the Terrier batsmen this afternoon. Yesterday Mitchell was uncertain whether his hurling choice would be Barbee or F. B. Cults '28 who starred as relief twirler in the Yale series last June.

Four veterans who won their spurs as last year's infield combination will comprise the inner line of the Crimson defense. Captain Isadore Zarakov '27, a sure fielder and a dangerous man with the stick, is the third base guardian. Sullivan, who fills the shortstop's berth, covers ground well, and has the strongest throwing arm of any man of the inner combination. William Ullman '27, another dependable player, holds down the keystone bag, and J. E. Tobin '27, keeper of the initial sack, is a fielder of parts and a strong but inconsistent batter.


Outfielders Strong at Bat

Three heavy hitters compose the outfield trio. W. W. Lord '28, substitute first baseman of last year's nine, has been shifted to the outfield because of his ability with the willow, is filling the left vacant by the graduation of C. L. Todd '26, and is batting in the clean-up position. H. W. Burns '28, track team sprinter whose speed on the basepaths has earned him the leadoff post in the batting order holds down the center-field berth. W. B. Jones '28 completes the triumvirate of outer gardeners.

Behind the bat Henry Chauncey '27, veteran receiver and star of Coach Horween's eleven last fall will wear his mask and mitt. In addition to his ability as a signal-caller Chauncey swings a powerful bat from the port side of the plate.

If the schedule of the National Leaguers permits, Captain Zarakov may lead his team onto the Braves Field diamond on Monday afternoon to engage Manager Bancroft's players in a preseason battle Several times in past years Crimson nines ave battled one or the other of the Boston professional teams, and on April 10, 1916, E. W. Mahan '16 pitched a 1 to 0 shutout over the Red Sox, who that year won the World Series from Brooklyn.

This afternoon, on one of the Soldiers Field diamonds, the Freshman baseball team will cross bats with the Cambridge Latin nine in a practice tilt. This encounter will take the place of the game originally scheduled with Middle-sex, whose team has found it impossible to make the trip to Cambridge
